AAAI Bridge 2023

AI for Financial Institutions

Washington DC, February 8, 2023
Local time: 8:30am - 5:20pm (EST)
Central Europe time: 14:30 - 23:30 (CET)

📌 Contributions to the Bridge available for download!

Aim of this bridge

The aim of this AAAI bridge - organized by the Bank of Italy - is to connect two communities: the AI community and the “Financial Institution Sector” (FINST). The FINST community is populated by authorities, agencies, institutions, and other public entities that play a key role in the economic and/or financial life of their home country. A prime example are central banks, but they are by no means the end of the story: There are Financial/Banking Ombudsmans, Supervision Authorities, Financial Intelligence Units, Privacy Protection Authorities, National Statistics Institutes, and more.

These players of the public sector are in the middle of a surge of interest in AI, and can fruitfully exchange views and experiences via this bridge. They all work on economic/financial issues in which certain peculiar search / reasoning / induction / deduction / optimization / planning problems are becoming of paramount importance, with a growing fit among AI technologies, tools, techniques, and business. Usually, AI innovates FINST processes, but sometimes FINST pushes the boundaries of AI.

We expect that those who traverse the bridge from FINST to AI will discover a powerful arsenal of new and possibly unfamiliar AI techniques, described and discussed by leading experts in the field: They will likely be surprised by the reach and variety of what state-of-the-art AI has to offer, beyond the established ML approaches that have seen large adoption as of late. Those who cross the bridge the other way around will get exposed to a surprisingly rich domain, with a lot of opportunities for the application of a wide range of AI techniques on both existing and developing use-cases.

Target audience

We are open to the participation - as listeners or presenters - of any representatives from FINST entities, especially those who deal with economics/finance problems and/or have used or plan to use advanced AI tools and techniques to tackle such problems. 

From the AI side: Any researcher, practitioners, or AI expert (or, in fact, any participant to the main AAAI conference) is welcome to join, especially those with an interest in economics & finance.

Note: This bridge aims to foster collaboration and a productive exchange of ideas and experiences among public entities with an economic role; conversely, if you work for an investment or retail bank, an insurance company, a financial intermediary, or any other private market player, you will find a suitable forum in the companion AAAI-23 bridge titled “AI for Financial Services”, to which you are encouraged to submit.

Format of the bridge

This bridge is a one-day event (February 8th, 2023) held in the context of AAAI-23. It will host 3 sessions in the course of the day. The 1st session will be a traditional keynote session with invited speakers; the 2nd and 3rd sessions are open to contributions (see “Program Schedule”).

Extended abstracts or papers by FINST representatives and/or people in the AI community will be presented, in a shared, poster-like, interactive fashion. Abundant time will be allotted to Q&A.

Topics of Interest

We would be delighted to hear from the FINST community about projects, experiences, challenges, and prototypes in one or more of the following areas (non-exhaustive list, in alphabetical order): 

Sample topics and issues

Just to offer a few concrete examples, consider the following three use cases. 

Program Schedule & Contributions

February 8, 2023

Walter E. Washington Convention Center | Room 207B

(The schedule is in EST timetable, i.e., UTC -5; for participants in Europe, i.e., UTC +1, the start time is 14:30 CET)

8:30-8:45 FINst Bridge welcome

Marco Benedetti (Bank of Italy)

Session 1: Invited Talks

Chair: Marco Benedetti (Bank of Italy)

8:45-9:20 From Strings to Things and Back: Putting AI into Action in a Central Bank

Luigi Bellomarini (Bank of Italy)

9:20-9:55 “Reasoning with Knowledge Graphs in Finance”

Emanuel Sallinger (TU Wien, University of Oxford)

9:55-10:30 Explainable Fact Checking for Statistical and Temporal Claims

Paolo Papotti (EURECOM)

10:30-10:45 Coffee break

Session 2: Services & Software Demos

Chair: Alessandro Maggi (Bank of Italy)

10:45-11:05 BLE Demo - Data-intensive AI without Data, at a FINst📄 PDF

Marco Benedetti, Oliver Giudice, Michela Iezzi, Alessandro Maggi (Bank of Italy)

11:05-11:25 Augmenting Bank and Economic Data for Bank Stress-Testing with Generative Adversarial Networks📄 PDF

Akash Sedai, Francesca Medda, Thomas Schroeder (University College London)

11:25-11:45 “KG-Roar Demo - Interactive Reasoning on FIN-ST Knowledge Graphs” 📄 PDF

Luigi Bellomarini, Marco Benedetti, Andrea Gentili (Bank of Italy)

Emanuel Sallinger (TU Wien; University of Oxford)

11:45-12:05 Moneying - An Artificial Intelligence platform for RegTech and AML📄 PDF

Salvatore Iiritano, Francesco Cupello (Revelis Srl)

Simone Mungari, Francesco Ricca (Università della Calabria)

Ettore Ritacco (Università di Udine)

Giuseppe Manco (ICAR-CNR)

12:05-12:25 RIOT Demo - AI-supported Mitigation of Cyber-risk within FINst📄 PDF

Marco Benedetti, Andrea Gentili, Marco Mori (Bank of Italy)

12:25-12:45 Black-it Demo - Calibrating Multi-Agent Systems to Mimic FINst Realities📄 PDF

Marco Benedetti, Francesco De Sclavis, Marco Favorito, Andrea Gentili, Aldo Glielmo, Davide Magnanimi, Antonio Muci (Bank of Italy)

12:45-14:10 Lunch break

Session 3: Challenges & Use Cases

Chair: Oliver Giudice (Bank of Italy)

14:10-14:30 Combining search strategies to improve performance in the calibration of economic ABMs📄 PDF (arXiv)

Marco Favorito, Aldo Glielmo (Bank of Italy)

Debmallya Chanda (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Universitat Bielefeld)

Domenico Delli Gatti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

14:30-14:50 Picking out the Right Language to Automate FINST Reasoning Tasks📄 PDF

Teodoro Baldazzi (Università Roma Tre)

Luigi Bellomarini (Bank of Italy)

Emanuel Sallinger (TU Wien, University of Oxford)

14:50-15:10 NLP-based Decision Support System for Examination of Eligibility Criteria from Securities Prospectuses at the German Central Bank📄 PDF

Christian Hänig, Serhii Hamotskyi (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences)

Janek Blankenburg, Markus Schlösser, Gent Zambaku (Deutsche Bundesbank)

15:10-15:30 Using ML and NLP to Understand the Trend of Adoption of Homomorphic Encryption by Financial Institutions📄 PDF

Danilo A. Giannone (Alan Turing Institute)

Carsten Maple (University of Warwick)

Michela Iezzi (Bank of Italy)

15:30-15:50 Coffee break

15:50-16:10 Applied Semantics Extraction and Analytics from SEBI Documents📄 PDF

Pulkit Parikh, Lini Thomas, Kamalakar Karlapalem (IIIT Hyderabad)

Natraj Raman (JPMorgan AI Research)

16:10-16:30 Automatic Information Extraction from Financial Documents for Market Supervision📄 PDF

Federico M. Scafoglieri, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini, Alessandra Monaco, Giulia Neccia (Sapienza Università di Roma)

Alessandra Limosani (Consob)

Francesca Medda (University College London, Consob)

16:30-16:50 NLP and ML from a FINst Perspective - Results and Challenges📄 PDF

Marco Benedetti, Oliver Giudice, Alessandro Maggi, Marco Mori (Bank of Italy)

16:50-17:10 Modeling the Effect of Cascading Stop-Losses and Its Impact on Price Dynamics📄 PDF

Patrick Liston, Charles Gretton, Artem Lenskiy (The Australian National University)

17:10-17:20 Concluding Remarks

Important dates

Program committees & organizers

Bridge chairs

Bridge (local) organizer

Bridge editorial workflow

PC members - Academic 

PC members - Institutional 

(Affiliation is “Bank of Italy, ICT Directorate”, unless noted otherwise)